I have started showing my old models on my Instagram account and people started asking about instructions for them. So here’s the first one, including a revamped model from 2009.
It all began in 2009 with this small model:

It was inspired by forwarders of this type:
A forwarder is a forestry vehicle that carries big felled logs from the stump to a roadside landing. Unlike a skidder, a forwarder carries logs clear of the ground, which can reduce soil impacts but tends to limit the size of the logs it can move. Forwarders are typically employed together with harvesters in cut-to-length logging operations.

Today, a ten years after its reveal, new version was created, with lots of playable features missing in the original build. The crane arm and claw works, and that’s a major change from mk1, because it was not designed to do so.

First version had solid axle, mk2 comes with pendular suspension on all wheels:

The cab still can fit a minfig (this one was taken from 60181):

The instructions mentioned above can be obtained trough Sellfy & Rebrickable:
Sample pages:

Comparison with 60181:

Another revamped model will be revealed soon 🙂