Quite many symbols on the topic tittle, don’t you think? Let’s say something about them first:
There’s a company here in Poland called KGHM Zanam. They manufacture whole suite of underground machines, like loaders, dump trucks, bolting rigs and more.
This particular model has been based on LKP-0403C:

One of my associates (which was formerly a wheel loader operator) retired over month ago and I have made a very special gift for him – Model Team style model of machine that he was driving trough his work with us.

Beside having standard danger stripes, the model is labeled with it’s machine number (46) and name of unit I work for (E-10).

The model itself is quite simple, with no motors and pneumatics, but the arm and bucket can be positioned, and the chassis is articulated.

Few comparison shots with my Sandvik LH517L model (this Model Team version one was never shown anywhere):

The loader was handled with care, and given inside the toolbox:

More pictures can be found here: