An alternative model for 42100 Liebherr R 9800 Excavator
Designed and built by Eric Trax, instructions made by me.
Visit his Facebook page for more great models:
Model is completely motorized, with 4 motors (three C+ XL motors and single C+ L motor) and controlled by custom profile in Buwizz application.
Parts list in Rebrickable, Bricklink XML, Brickstore and png versions can be found here:
Or by clicking here:
Rebrickable CSV
Bricklink XML
Brickstore BSX
Before you buy these instructions, please read the following really carefully.
– This model is not recommended for persons under 14 years of age and those with little experience in building more complex models. On other hand, you are here, because you have built the R9800, right? 😉
– This time (unlike with other models made by Eric) wiring will not give you a headache. All wires are nicely placed and there’s a plenty of room for them inside the hull.
– The assembly is likely to take quite a bit of your time. It may not seem like a large model, but after adding tracks you will be surprised.
– Also, there are several submodels that connects together, making one, large submodel. For example managing to fit whole arm assembly is tricky, because of several mounting points that has to be clicked togehter at the same time.
– To comfortly play with this model, I reccomend to use fresh and unplayed batteries
– Please be aware that this model will not work with LEGO App. We have included step by step tutorial (on the last pages of the instructions, right after step 268 for creating and launching custom profile in Buwizz App
Sample pages from instructions: