Here it is, model that was supposed to be built right after debut of 42128 in 2021.
But we have 2024…

Anyway; almost 1900 parts, packed in relatively small space. Direct successor of my 42108 Roll-off Truck

And part of triplets, along with 42144 Cherry Picker

Based mostly on this truck:

The initial ideas was to add as much functionality as possible to 42108 truck. Result – my most complicated alt model to date – within similiar dimensions comes with twice more functions! 🙂
Here’s video, and description of functions can be found below:
Let’s start with the visuals – model was designed to look good with and without stickers.

And to look like same brand as 42108 Roll-off, even with not too much parts used in same places. I know that it might be bit boring, but I’m quite pleased with the result 🙂

Cab comes with openable doors and working steering wheel.
42182 colour palette is annoying. Really. It took some trial and error to have good looking parts of the model without the rainbow effect. I’m quite proud of usage Tow Truck front license plate at rear here;

Model comes with 7 manual and two pneumatic functions. I have rebuilt the frame few times to match the functions stickers from A model.
So, first function is obviously steering. There are three steerable axles, with 3rd solid axle (no fake engine, sorry, no space inside the frame). But with working steering wheel.

All chassis functions are controlled by 4 knobs, two on each side of the truck. They fit the symbols on stickers almost perfectly;

Left gear controls the swivel of the crane arm, right one allows to deploy the outriggers.
Model was designed to work with knobs hidden behind side panels and being slid out a bit, with outriggers knob being placed on longer axle, thus deployed bit further;

If you don’t like the idea, there’s an additional universal knob, allowing to operate with longer axle:

But let’s stay with the outriggers for a while. They are placed right under the turntable.
They have transport position, when they are not sticking out to sides, but can be flicked for deploying;

On the right side of the chassis are located knobs operating rear axle lift and winches.

Rear axle fenders were designed to be lifted a bit with the axle, allowing the steering to work properly even with axle above the ground:

Winches are placed at the end of the lift frame:

And are driven by numerous gears trough the chassis and said frame.
Two pneumatic functions are fed from large pump placed behind the cab and controlled by two valves placed on both sides of the cab:

The frame is elevated by two 1×11 cylinders, and require some pumping to make high pressure in the circuit to lift the container. But works flawlessly:

It can also work as typical dump truck:

Tailgate has small, white lock:

There are small wheels above the frame hinge that guide container while sliding into the frame (can be seen on the video too);

The arm, as mentioned before, is turned by knob on the chassis, but elevation of the arm is made with small linear actuator.

Arm can be extended by hand, while second section is moved by pneumatic piston;

The claw was redesigned by @erictrax and instead of 5×7 frames uses 1×5 liftarms for teeth.

It can be swapped for pallet fork;

Before you buy these instructions, please read the following really carefully.
– This is quite complicated model, and should be built with caution. But you are here, because you have built A model and its outriggers, right? 😉
– pneumatic hoses must be fully put on inlets of valves and cylinders
– both hooks must be placed in pararell to work properly and slide the container straight onto the frame.